Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend Update

We were eating brownies at the table and the following discussion went down:

Joel: Dad, let's have a race to see who can eat their brownie first!

Greg: Okay! On your mark, get set, go!

(Greg proceeds to hork his brownie down in one messy swallow like a complete Neanderthal.)

Joel, watching intently: I meant with good manners, Dad.

Hilarious!!!!! We all cracked up.

Candid shot, anyone? Maddie caught me unawares for this beauty!

Blue and Gold Banquet skit involving camping and toilet paper. Classic!

Greg had the ingenious idea to use the old Victorian playhouse as the chicken coop. The playhouse is darling, but there are a lot of not so kid-friendly things inside, such as: small nails sticking out of the ceiling, a collapsing floor in one spot, and lots of rough, splintery wood. Because of the problems, the kids don't really spend much time in there. He and the kids worked all afternoon covering windows with chicken wire and building a door with a latch. Voila! A fabulous (and pretty cute, being a chicken coop and all) new home for the chickens.

Good night to all! ~Emily

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