Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bishop's Youth Discussion

The gospel is great! It blesses our lives in sooooo many ways.

I'd like to bring up just one blessing tonight. About every month, for the past five years, we have had the pleasure of having the Bishop's Youth Discussion in our home. It's so fabulous for our family to have a bunch of fun teenagers come over to discuss gospel topics and share their fun, young energy.

But mostly what I love about it is that my kids think these teenagers are the best thing since sliced bread, and they often sit and listen to the discussions and are being given such a GREAT example of teenagers making good choices. It's just a really powerful environment for them to learn from these kids whom they think are so awesome. Positive peer pressure is a wonderful thing!

A special thing about tonight was the fact we were joined by two teenagers who are not of our faith, and we had a fantastic time discussing our various beliefs. It was great for all of us to learn more about each other, and what we all hold dear to our hearts.

So, like I said, the gospel is great!

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