Sunday, February 13, 2011

Catching Up and Getting Going (title by: Maddie)

Since I am just getting this blog going, I've had a lot of chances to peruse the many pictures we've taken in the last several months. It really is fun to recognize the memories we've made and things that we've been up to. Now, keep in mind, we don't really seem to take pictures when we are mad, sad, sick, or hurt. With that thought on the back-burner, I looked through our many pictures and felt touched and content with the life we're living. Following is a favorite quote that comes to mind:

How much influence the world has over our children really depends on what standards we set at home - standards by which the children are accustomed to measure things - and the strength of the family ties. A respect for parents, the satisfaction of learning together, a fondness for simple pleasures, good humor amidst hard work, sympathy in sorrow, and the joy of worshipping together are a part of the atmosphere of a close family. Such families give the gift of unworldliness. May we all be enabled to provide our children with such an atmosphere.
-Karen Andreola

We certainly don't achieve the ideal family atmosphere mentioned in this quote all the time; but we do try, and there are lots of really, really great moments that keep us going through the ones that don't make it onto film!

Here are a few happy memories for me from the past couple of months...


What can I say about this get-up?

I came into the family room to find Joel giving Abby a violin lesson.

Everybody wants to sit by Dad... especially on Christmas.... especially with their new towels.

Mom and Dad's 70th birthday party.

Celebrating Abby's 2nd birthday!

Brendan's first fish! (Even if it was a carp and had to go back into the lake...)

Two happy sisters on the slide! Maddie is a WONDERFUL friend and companion for Abby.

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