Sunday, April 17, 2011

Visits are good for my soul!

The last couple of weeks we have had the most fun with the Adams' family visiting from Utah as well as my dear friend Ande visiting from Minnesota. It was really, really great to see them all and catch up on everything!

I loved hearing how the family is doing even though we live far away from them. I love seeing how all of the cousins have grown up and matured. I love seeing the kids enjoy their cousins, and wish desperately they got to hang out together all the time.

I love how easy reconnections are when you share so much life history with someone. I love going over lots and lots of details about middle school, high school, college, old boyfriends, bad dates, hilarious mishaps, having babies, etc., with someone who was there for pretty much all of that... and still loves me.

So now everyone's gone and I am....

a) tired

b) a bit let down

c) 33 weeks pregnant

d) all of the above

Yes, you guessed it - d) all of the above.

I dropped Ande off at the airport today and am now buckling down to regular life again. We're starting to get ready for the baby, so that's exciting, we get to enjoy our Easter traditions this week, and overall life is going really well.

I'm just a bit tired. And missing our wonderful visitors.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening! ~ Emily

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