Thursday, March 31, 2011

Top Ten Signs Your Family is Getting "BIG!"

So, I've noticed some changes over the last year or so that indicate to me we are becoming a "big" family. I decided to make a top ten list and share them with you.

Drum roll please..........

Top Ten Signs Your Family is Getting "BIG!"

10. You have to buy a toaster with four slots instead of two.

9. One box of pasta will not feed the family anymore.

8. At the store someone says to you (being seven months pregnant), "Is this your first?" and you say, "No, it's my fifth." Then they look shocked or horrified or some combination of the two.

7. When you make scrambled eggs for breakfast, it takes 15 eggs to fill everyone up.

6. You can consume an entire loaf of bread to make sandwiches for lunch.

5. At a restaurant someone says to you (being seven months pregnant), "Is this your first?" and you say, "No, it's my fifth." Then they look shocked or horrified or some combination of the two.

4. You start to use a griddle to make pancakes instead of a pan. Heck, you just start leaving the griddle on the stove and using it for everything.

3. When you're grocery shopping someone says to you, "You must be planning for some big event." Then you say, "No, I'm just shopping for my family."

2. Everywhere you go, every time you're out in public, someone says to you, "Is this your first?" and you say, "No, it's my fifth." Then they look shocked or horrified or some combination of the two.

The number one sign that your family is getting big....

1. You see a tour-guide vehicle (at least 15-20 seats) go by, and you and your husband laugh and joke that someday you might need that. You both think it's funny, but then you both independently think, "That's not a bad idea..."

I just want to say we're really enjoying these little people we're bringing into the world. It's a LOT of work, but it's good, satisfying work.

And in case you were wondering - no, it's not my first child, it's my fifth!

Nigh-Night! Emily


  1. So true Emily. When I was pregnant, there were many times I was alone with Andrew, and people would assume that I was having my 2nd, and would start giving me advice. Most of the times I would just listen and nod, sort of laughing inside.
    Congratulations on #5!

  2. Love this! And an amen to the eggs/bread/pasta issue. I tried to convince Cort that pasta boxes were getting smaller and smaller (like the satanic ice cream people) and he showed me: nope. It's always been 1 lb. Woah. So... is this your 1st? hahahahaha
